The Capital of the Archipelago as a Unique City
Welcome to the world of wonder and uniqueness! in Panajam Village, East Kalimantan. Forest areas that are the lungs of the world are being transformed into Archipelago Capital (IKN), which will play an important role in preserving the earth's ecosystem , apart from evolution, it will become the center of political, economic and social activities in Indonesia. However, IKN has become a hot topic that has received attention from a number of parties, especially land acquisition, investment or social issues.
This city is not just a collection of concrete and tall buildings towering into the sky, but also a green oasis in the midst of urban bustle. IKN is known as the "forest city" for its vital role in preserving the world's lungs. The advantages of IKN as the capital are an interesting topic. One of them is increasing the country's attractiveness in the eyes of the international community, according to Pilka & Sluka (2019).
Read more from Dr. Ir. Manerep Pasaribu, M.M. article on Manajemen ISMS Column at kompas.id -click here-