Learning from Saudi Arabia's Tourism Polarities
A surprising news report recently came from the G20 High-Level Conference in India, as reported by Kompas (18/10/2023). In the conference, eight countries and political entities, including the United States, European Union, France, Germany, Italy, United Arab Emirates, India, and Saudi Arabia agreed to establish economic cooperation among three regions.
This collaboration is abbreviated as IMEC, India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor which will build an economic corridor between Asia, the Middle East and Europe.
According to the plan, this economic corridor starts from New Delhi or Mumbai (India) through Jabel Ali and Al Ghuwaifat (United Arab Emirates), then to Riyadh and Al Haditha (Saudi Arabia), ending in Haifa (Israel). This route is then connected to Europe through Haifa and stops in Piraeus (Greece). Physically, this corridor is connected through railway and sea routes to the three regions.
Read more from Prof Dr Ir Mohammad Hamsal, MSE, MQM, MBA article on Manajemen ISMS Column at kompas.id -click here-