SMEs Need to Leverage Data Analytics
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of Indonesia's economy. The contribution of SMEs is also significant in creating employment opportunities. One way for SMEs to perform better is by utilizing data analytics.
Therefore, it is necessary to have support from the government, business, and academia in analyzing transaction data that creates new knowledge and understanding customer behavior in order to serve them better. The key is for SMEs to avoid price wars and perform transaction data analytics in order to grow in revenue or sales.
E-commerce is the process of buying, selling, transferring, exchanging products, and obtaining information through a computer with internet (Bhat et al., 2016). With e-commerce business activities, companies expand their consumer reach anywhere and at any time.
Read more from Dr. Ir. Manerep Pasaribu, M.M. article on Manajemen ISMS Column at kompas.id -click here-