From Brand Romanticism to Business Model Transformation
The news about the closing of the Bata shoe factory shocked almost everyone, especially those born between the 1950s and 1970s. It is certain that this year's class will have experience wearing Bata shoes throughout public school or elementary school, perhaps even up to high school. There are memories of how proud I felt when wearing Bata shoes, a romanticism about the brand.
Sarkar (2011) states that brand romanticism (romantic brand love) is influenced by romanticism, satisfaction, brand experience, and customer delight. This seems to be what happened to the Bata shoe brand. The romance of school days with the experience of using the Bata shoe brand became a delightbecause it was prestigious at that time and a source of pride (brand pride). The love for Bata and all its romanticism is complete.
Read more from Dr. Ir. Sri Bramantoro Abdinagoro, MM., CBV., CMP. article on Manajemen ISMS Column at kompas.id -click here-