The Icarus Paradox of Indonesian Specialist Doctor Education
There is something wrong with our specialist doctor education system. It was hoped that it would eventually enforce health in society, but instead these specialist medical students were plagued by depression.
The Icarus paradox was coined Danny Miller in his 1990 book, and later became popular. This term is used to refer to the metaphor of a company suddenly going bankrupt after experiencing a period of success. Then Miller (1992) observed another company that fell into the brink of collapse precisely because of its own success. The causes include, among other things, overconfidence, feeling great, excessive behavior, and excessive pride.
This paradox refers to the story of Icarus in Greek mythology who flew to the sun. In his flight to freedom, Icarus rose close to the sun (the realm of the gods), the wax on his wings melted, and fell to his death. The consequence of people flying high is bad luck, not because of failure, but because of success with arrogance.
Read more from Prof Dr Ir Mohammad Hamsal, MSE, MQM, MBA article on Manajemen ISMS Column at kompas.id -click here-