Protecting SMEs, Building Industry
The rise of electric vehicles (EVs) circulating in the market, both electric cars, electric motorcycles, and electric-based vehicles, such as electric bicycles and other means of transportation, proves that the prospects for this type of vehicle continue to advance, becoming another option besides gasoline-based vehicles. Of course, this development is encouraging and the government seems to continue to support it with various incentives for ownership and infrastructure preparation, especially the most visible one is the massive preparation of charging stations.
The first wave, gasoline-based vehicles are over. Starting in the 1970s, original equipment manufacturers (OEM) brands that are now large have developed. Currently, at least five Japanese OEM brands dominate gasoline-based automotive, you can count them on one hand. With that long history, there must be a big impact on this automotive supporting industry. However, it should be noted that not a single domestic product or brand has developed. From the past decade until now, we still know who dominates the market share.
Read more from Dr. Ir. Sri Bramantoro Abdinagoro, MM., CVB., CMP. article on Manajemen ISMS Column at kompas.id -click here-