Energy Self-Sufficiency for National Resilience
The topic of energy security has resurfaced after President Prabowo Subianto, during his inauguration on October 20, 2024, said that the government he will lead will focus on achieving energy self-sufficiency.
Prabowo is concerned that geopolitical tensions and wars that could occur at any time may threaten Indonesia's energy supply, as in times of crisis, countries tend to prioritize their domestic interests, including energy needs.
The issue of national resilience related to energy reminds us of the controversial tweet by Ryamizard Ryacudu—at that time the Minister of Defense—on February 23, 2015, who wrote, “If Indonesia goes to war, it will only last three days, why? Because Indonesia does not have good enough energy resilience. Our strategic zero. We have no energy resilience. If Indonesia is blocked here and there, we have warships. We have fighter planes, but how are we going to refuel them? Water?” Ryamizard explained, “Our fuel reserves are far below those of our neighboring countries! Compare that to Malaysia which has 30 days, Japan and Korea 50 days, Singapore 50 days (JPPN.com, CNNIndonesia.com).”
Read more from Dr. Zainal Arifin article on Manajemen ISMS Column at kompas.id -click here-