Pollution and Global Warming Problems
According to Jacobson, et al. (2022), the biggest ecological issues in the world at present are global warming and air pollution, as a result of various human activities on the Earth's climate. As a consequence, there is a gradual increase in air temperature due to the trapping of carbon dioxide and other pollutants in the Earth's atmosphere, thus absorbing light and radiation.
Due to pollution, various radiations that should have moved into outer space are trapped in the atmosphere, resulting in an increase in the Earth's temperature. The pollutants include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor, and synthetic fluorinated gases or greenhouse gases. The impact of these gases is known as the greenhouse effect (Maurellis and Tennyson, 2003).
The greenhouse effect increases the Earth's temperature and results in climate change across various parts of the world. Climate change is understood as a change in weather, such as temperature, rainfall, and storms, which can become increasingly frequent extreme events. (US National Research Council, 2016).
Read more from Dr. Miharni Tjokrosaputro, S.E., M.M. article on Manajemen ISMS Column at kompas.id -click here-